Jennifer's body is about two teenage girls living in a little town called Devil's kettle. Jennifer is that typical cool, hot and popular girl that all the other girls are jealous of. Needy is the right opposite, she's dorky, ugly and don't have a lot of friends. But of some strange reason Needy and Jennifer are best friends.
Everything was as usual until an unfamous band visited town and a fire burst out. Jennifer joined the band for a ride in their car and when she came back something was different..
Some days later something or someone, begins to eat the boys at Needy's and Jennifer's school.

My opinion is that this movie is pretty boring. But if you're bored and have nothing better to do.. I just wanna make clear that this movie is one of the better horror movies, because of the fact that there's A LOT of lousy horror movies. Fortunately there's some good too;)

XoXo Ghostface